Nationwide, 7% of the general population identifies as LGBTQ.
Yet nearly 50% of young adults experiencing homelessness identify as LGBTQ. For far too many LGBTQ young adults homelessness becomes a way of life as individuals experience rejection from their families due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. At an age when acceptance matters most, they’ve been let down by every supposed support system: Family. Church. School. Government. We see the impact of this daily: young adults, skipping from shelter to shelter; forced to conceal their identities, beliefs, and values. The question we must ask ourselves is, "What happens next?" If the over-representation of LGBTQ young adults within the homeless community is an injustice you're committed to fighting, then you’re in the right place.
At Lucie's Place, your support gives young LGBTQ adults experiencing homelessness in Central Arkansas the stability they need to make forward progress possible. Founded in 2012, Lucie’s Place is a 501(c)3 that serves as the state’s only LGBTQ-specific shelter, and one of only a very few in the South. Lucie’s Place has one mission: To ensure lifelong acceptance, stability, and success for LGBTQ young adults experiencing homelessness in Central Arkansas. With your support, we’re able to provide three essential services for our members, ages 18-25: safe living environments, job training, and case management. Each year since its opening in 2012, 50-70 LGBTQ young adults receive life-saving services and support at our drop-in center in the heart of downtown Little Rock. Visitors are provided bus passes, cell phones & minutes, toiletries, clothes, case management, and HIV testing free of charge, and are encouraged to stay to work on job applications, resumes, continuing education, or just to take a minute and rest when they have nowhere else to go. For many, Lucie’s Place is the only physical place in town where they can go without fear of discrimination, harassment or violence. Lucie's Place also owns a home with 8 beds, specifically for LGBTQ young adults who need a place to stay! Residents can take advantage of a safe, affirming home with full living expenses covered while we support them in developing skills for future independence including job readiness, money management, cooking, and up-keeping a living space as they continue their education or seek employment. All of this is possible because of our amazing community of supporters, a community we hope will soon include YOU. Lucie’s Place currently receives no city, state, or federal funding. Our funding comes from private individuals and organizations, fundraisers, and grants we write and apply for ourselves. Everything we’ve accomplished has been made possible by you and this incredible community’s support. Because of you, LGBTQ young adults in our community are empowered to stay and, eventually, give back in their own way. And while a lot of ground has been covered so far, there’s still so much to be done. The Lucie’s Place community is actively working toward many goals. Partner with us as we work to relocate the drop-in center to expand services provided and become more accessible to community members. We also strive to increase our ability to house members around Little Rock and continue giving LGBTQ young adults a place where they don’t have to stay hidden- where acceptance isn’t a question; it’s a given. Because of your support, LGBTQ young adults experiencing homelessness in Central Arkansas the answer to What’s next?
Will you join us? Support LGBTQ young adults, today! |